Monday 5 May 2014

How To Keep Your Man Happy Always

There is lot of advice both good and bad about keeping a man happy in a relationship; so many ladies don’t know how to handle their man and how to make him happy. Always respect your man, treat
him as you would like to be treated in your own relationship. Below are some methods on how to keep your man happy.
Give him space when he needs it:  Every man needs some time alone to be without you around, ladies, make sure you give your man time and space to be alone without you, mind you he must not be with you in every 24 hours in a day. Believe me that Your absence for some time will make your log for you,  Once you accept that you both need some personal space every now and then, you will be much happier as a couple and will enjoy and appreciate the time you do spend together a lot more as a result.
Talk through any issues:  Instead of bottling up any issues or problems you have with your relationship and allowing it damage your relationship, sit your man down and have a peaceful, reasoned discussion with him.  He appreciate this much more than a potential screaming match down the road and will be much more inclined to listen to you and take on board what you're saying, rather than going on the defensive.
You should also give him the chance to voice any issues he may be having. Really try listen to what he has to say and don't dismiss his concerns. Your man will be much happier in the relationship if he feels like his feelings and opinions are valued.
Show a little love and appreciation:  No matter the situation you find yourself in your relationship, always make and show your man how much you love him, never take all of the small, wonderful things your man does for you for granted. Let him know how much you appreciate him and that you know how hard he tries.
When he does something nice for you, be affectionate. Give him a kiss or a hug or just tell him you love him. Knowing how happy he has made you will make him happy and willing to do more.

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