Friday 21 February 2014

Some Foods That Can Boost Fertility In Men [Must Read For All Men]
Helo men, do you want to improve the quality of your sperms? Here are 3 foods you should add your meal intake.. 1. Fresh fruits Fruits are great thanks to the high levels of Vitamin C which ensures

the potency and quality of your sperm. If you want to be a daddy, we would recommend at least two portions of fruits like lemon, sweet lime, oranges and mangoes. They're all rich packed with nutrients and antioxidants and won't hit your wallet as hard.

2. Garlic

Garlic's health benefits are well-known but various studies have shown that it has aphrodisiac properties and also helps improve blood circulation. No wonder that Twilight fellow looked so peakish and pale!

3. Fish

Rich in fatty acids, many kinds of fish can help you become fit and fertile and get your little ones swimming! Fish contains Essential Fatty Acids which helps improve circulation around the reproductive system and boosts sperm quality in the process!

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